August 19 Workday

Ed & Kevin place ballast before the track is leveled

Bruce and Kevin organized a ballast work party. Just enough ballast was placed on a single track so the track height and level can be set. We started at the Redwood Tunnel and worked our way towards the Lumber Camp Bridge.

Kevin and Mike worked on a more permanent scaffolding system for the Redwood Trestle

Russ installed four isolator blocks blocks at the tunnel entrances

Tom and Carl finished installing the switch stand for the riding arena siding.

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Loading ballast with Bill’s ever so trusty Kabota

Tom’s ballast cars drop ballast the perfect distance away from the track

Rake roughly into the ties and sweep the rail to prevent the hoppers from derailing

Take the 5:30 round trip to get a new load. This leaves the raking and sweeping crew with about 1:30 to rest