December 03 Workday

Bruce touches up the paint before we lay the decking

At the end of a long day Matt watches the last ballast load arrive at Rabbit Flat

Rabbit Flat received some well deserved TLC today. Over the years mud had oozed over and under the curved retaining wall. The ballast was contaminated with mud and the track was impossible to adjust because it was cemented in place by the ooze. After a succession of derails during the November run is was agreed to remove the track and start anew.

Bruce spent the early part of the week preparing for a track laying blitz at Rabbit Flat. On Thursday, most everyone was assisting with connecting and ballasting the track. It was a full day with folks working from 7AM till dark.

Photos - click on images for text descriptions and large images


It’s impressive to watch Rabbit Flat’s track be connected and ballasted. Note the new gutter between the right-of-way and the retaining wall. This is designed to keep the mud out of the ballast.