January 30 Workday

Bruce touches up the paint before we lay the decking

Organizing steel on the rack donated by Paul Poletti

Bruce worked on the ranch roads which had become discheleved during the rainy season: filling in pot holes, creating water diverters, and tamping in base rock where required.

Most of our effort was devoted to organizing the shop. Our new steel rack allowed us to cleanup the floor and gather steel that had been stashed all over the building. We needed to move the little building hospital and track jigs further down towards the wood working area.

Randy & Mike laid out the extra foundations need for the trestle section of the Lumber Camp Bridge. More digging and cement is required:)

Kevin, Bruce, and Bill visited the Lumber Camp Loop for a visual survey of the right of way. With another week of drying out we can return to working on the Loop and bridge.

Photos - click on images for text descriptions and large images