Lots of questions + back and forth
Chairman Bob opened the meeting of the Railroad Club on Thursday at 12:36 pm.
We had 17 members and two guests at the RR today.
Treasurer’s report -- Kevin
We continue to have very healthy bank accounts, with Accounts receivable of $550, missing 5 member’s dues and Accounts Payable of $488.66 consisting of uncashed checks.
We have 73 members with 68 current in dues.
Bob noted that we will hold membership status for one more month, after which we will remove folks who have not yet paid dues from our roster. Club officers and others are contacting each of these one more time.
Project Status Reports
Rabbit Flat - Bill
The ground is very wet, Kevin H and Bruce will finish the turntable retaining wall and floor when dry enough – probably late spring. Track laying is also on hold, as we will need to bring in road fill to raise the level of track and manage the drainage. Bruce said the ground will not be firm enough for heavy trucks until July
Round House - Mike
We are making steady progress on the roundhouse. A big crew of Bruno, Marty, Will and Mike prepared the work area and prototype areas for our post and beam frame structures. The first C-16 bay outside frame is done and standing up in the assembly area. The first test piece took a while as we learned the best methods and tools, then production pieces can be rapidly made. Marty and Mike are working on the K-36 bay’s doors. Bill will make aluminum window cell dividers to match Peter’s C-16 doors and for the Clerestory windows. Carl is modifying one of our portable metal bandsaws to become a portable wood saw for beam end cutting. Will Sheridan is washing windows to remove tape residue from the plastic to resemble aged patina. Bruno will keep drawings updated as necessary.
Switch Stands and Remotes - Ed S
Kick switches: We finished the last kick switch in the shop and have 6-8 completed kits for field installation with enough parts to make 8-10 additional kits.
Switch stands: Have new cams and cables that turn the remote indicators a full 90 degrees. All installations will receive the new cables and cams. Bill will make new cams for field retrofit. Marty and Ed are putting together a kit for Rabbit Flat’s Alpine remote switch stand which will be the next installation. All is going smoothly.
Switch Points: We delivered 45 pairs of points to Mike Mattioda. By last Saturday, he had cut the notch in all pieces. Mike M. will be traveling for a while, and Ed will get him a hinge and screw for the next steps. He will create a CNC program to drill and tap the holes.
Signals system - Ed S and Matt
The project is progressing well. With Train Mountain’s assistance, who are redesigning their hardware to current technology (less expensive, more reliable), we will create a programming interface board for each team so that programming components are not needed for every control in each signal.
Matt has ordered one using an updated Andrino processor. He also ordered another which can be programmed with off the shelf software. We’re trying to keep the control board small enough to fit inside the signal heads. More news next Thursday. We’re looking at how to best achieve adequate isolating gaps. Software can damp out some of the noise in the control signals due to damp tracks. Train Mountain is investigating alternative components for signal lights. We’ve ordered some samples of an off the shelf tri-colored self-contained unit to see how they look.
Signage - Steve and Ed S
We are making good progress. We’ve purchased a new vinyl sheet cutter (Cameo 4 Plus) which will allow Steve to learn how to make vinyl letters and symbols for all of the various signs needed for the railroad right of way or any PV&A signage needed. We will have 4 standard sign sizes, 3"x 3", 6"x 6" 6"x 9", 3"x 10" made from 16 gauge metal, powder coated, deburred edges and corners.
We will attach the signs, 2 holes per sign, to rebar rods driven in the ground.
Matt and Steve have created a spreadsheet with PV&A nomenclature and track distances around the RR. Steve will use this to help when creating signs.
Steve sent out an RFQ for powder coating all 400 blanks for the signs. Train Mountain uses UV resistant vinyl which has demonstrated that it will last 25+ years in the weather.
Mike asked if the number of signs would clutter up the ROW. Ed reported that mileage markers are standard on all railroads of our scale every 100’. Many of the operational signs will be flat on the ties, so are not as visible. Ed also remarked that we could explore having the Points of Interest signs powder coated to match our Division colors: Blue signs for Lake Division, Green Signs for Mountain Division and Red backgrounds for Redwood Division.
Big Red engine - Bob for Bruce
No new news, still looking at Spring to get the brakes installed on Big Red.
Building 4 Shop - Carl
The new mill is done and being used to make parts. The surface grinder is almost done. The hydraulics system needs cleaning. After using this, be sure to shut off the big compressor. Jerry has agreed to take ownership for the tool sheds’s tools. He has started looking at them to inventory and complete sets of tools. If you see something missing, please let Jerry or a board member know.
News, Safety and Policies
Power outage. Bill noted that the new mill does not have a traditional motor starter, which, if left on after a power outage, will start back up. So, if you are here, and there is a power outage, turn off the breakers. OR, we can add a normally open relay r to the mill.
Carl noted that the hand railing at the summit end of the Camel back bridge needs finishing. Bob said we can add it to our May work weekend tasks.
Contraption. (Club steam engine from John Dolph and Peter Mosely) Ed Holland reports that we have 5 people who are interested in learning and using this machine. Brandon said he will help. Bob noted that the group needs to have a team member who will be able to keep up the machine.
Carl reported that Tom needs more surgery on bladder, and has a date with his cardiologist. Carl calls him every day.
Run Days - Bob
March; Bob is hosting a cub scout group.of maybe 20 folks. He will need help to properly host that number.
April: Mid Peninsula old car club will be joining us again. Mike and Ken will host.
17 May: We are penciling that weekend in as a work weekend. It is in addition to the normal run weekend. Russ will put it on the calendar after Bill verifies with the family. We will work on retaining walls (not track) with new full size RR ties, clean gutters, ballast tamping and the Summit railing.
There is a Special meet 6/30, 7/1 (Monday and Tuesday) after Train Mountain’s Triennial
October work weekend will lay track and switches at Rabbit Flat
Sept is our annual joint meet with Golden Gate Live Steam and Sacramento Valley Live Steam.
Mike asked for an update on the power Tamping machine we are considering. The designer is making parts to build 20. He has not yet filmed the operation of his machine. Doug Callichio has one and says it is built very well but doesn’t yet have much experience with it. Bill has spoken with Doug and other users and will complete an evaluation.
Bob closed the meeting at 1:17 PM
Mike Ward
(With Matt Petach’s help!)