August 2023 Operations Council Minutes

Calling the meeting to order in the shade

President Bob opened the meeting at 12:35 pm with 15 members on site today.

Treasurers Report - Kevin

Our bank account continues to stay very healthy. We have no Accounts Receivable and a small Accounts Payable  We sold Ron’s old turntable which was too small for our needs at Rabbit Flat.

We have 64 members and all dues are current.

Bruce is transitioning the RR books to a system which will make our purchasing accounting smoother.

Project reports

New spurs/yards

Wye - Kevin. All tracks are in and connected to the main line. The infilling of ties is done. Ballasting will be started today; so we are almost complete.  Ed and Bill installed the first new flagged remote switch to the Wye, which operates very smoothly. Flags are currently Green/Yellow, but will be changed to Green/Red to show that there is no outlet from the Wye.

Arena Spur -  Kevin. No new data;  May be next if we get gutter board material to keep the rainwater mud out of the ballast.

Rabbit Flat- Bob.

Jerry is replacing the wood ties on a switch in place. Learning how to do it. About 30% done.  Jerry reports that the old ballast is VERY firm and is chisling it out bit by bit. 

We have a short term plan to add a pass through track toward the Oak Tree, and are working on the overall RF plan.  We will need an excavator to do the heavy re-contouring of the yard. All tracks will be installed on berms with drainage through the berms. We will coordinate with the Ranch the next time they need heavy equipment on site.

Redwood Tunnel yard - Bob

It is still inaccessible, points missing, the curve is a bit kinky. Ed, Bill, Bob, and Kevin are discussing how to fix it correctly, and when to implement the fix.

Little Buildings - Ron. No news.

Speeder status - Bob Mostly fixed; a bit erratic in reverse. Keep an eye on it.

Redwood canyon Foot Bridge - Mike

The 20 foot flat section across the creek is complete. Now starting the stairs up to the Redwood Tunnel yard. The stairs will have a handrail on the North side. We will need some base rock to raise the path down to the bridge (Bill delivered 5 Gater loads of rock after lunch.)

Track refurbishment project

The PV&A Board needs to prioritize various projects that will be vying for resources in the refurbishment and sustainability program.r. Bob recommends that we start the first track replacement along the lake from the switchyard almost to Cranna’s corner, so we can show progress in a high usage area.. We need early effort on  building more track panels as our inventory has been depleted. Our workflow will be to pull track out, then install already built from inventory.

Switch Stands & Points -Bill

Replacing the springed hinge is now our standard design, and we (Bill and Ryan) have made many pairs of points on the vertical mill. We will make about 20 more sets of points to replace some existing ones in the field or use to build new switches

Bob expressed many thanks to Ed and Bill for fixing so many cranky switches. Now all are operable (except the tunnel yard which needs work as noted above)

Switch stand arrows. All switch stands will have them eventually.

Ed noted that we now have the best operating switches of any 7-½” gauge RR he knows, and he visits many.

New Club Engine (Big Red) and consist

Air Brakes - Brandon will work on them

Big red needs a replacement coupler and can not be used till fixed by Bruce

Flat wheels - Bruce. We have placed an order for two new 2-½” drop center style cars from RMI just like Ron’s car except with a straddle bench seat. Lila Schmidt generously donated Ron’s car to the RR. On it we will maintain the current center seat for special needs and will add a third seat in front of that, which gives the club  three reliable cars with this stable design. We’ll need to add brakes. The two new cars must be picked up at Oxnard when they are completed.

We will keep the caboose  but sell the three (3) gondola riding cars with brakes installed. These will be a good deal for someone, as a new set of 3 from Titan Trains, delivered would be over $10K. .


We need more full sized RR ties. - Bob. Niles Canyon RR has some, $10 each, or maybe less if we talk to Matt. Santa Clara Fairground has some, but lots of not so good ones and they don’t let you choose, so we would be obligated with the disposal of the rejects.  Big problem is transportation

We are reaching our limits with rolling stock storage. Do not bring more items to the RR without first clearing your need with Bob Silverstein or another board member.

Safety and protocol - Bob

Bill , Dee, and Matt, will be fixing the berms after the Silver bridges and the Alpine Cross bridge.

Carl was asked how much effort it will take to finish the hand railing at the summit.  Carl reports that it is partly done, and we may have to move some electrical stuff.  Bob will talk to BIll about alternatives.

Water hoses. Bruce is replacing all the ROW fire suppression system valves and hoses . The valves will be ball valves – much more reliable and easy to use.

Station Trash must be cleared at the end of lunch.

Station Trash must be cleared at the end of lunch.

When putting away and charging the club engines, make sure the key and the headlight are off. NOTE:  Remember, if the engine stalls when you stop and idle, that the ignition switch must still be turned off to protect the battery.

Shop Safety - Carl.  A chuck key was left in a drill press chuck. Must be removed. Always.

Run Days

At the end of the day, the last train to run must close the trestle gates. If someone else should happen to follow, they can open and reclose.

Steam Engineers. After the last steamer runs, the track must be inspected by a speeder or diesel to assure no fire danger is present.

Future meetings and events 


This weekend. We don’t need to water with the new ROW clearing program.  


Will be the first of two Steve Dunn charity events. Note that Alpine Road and Portola Road access to Los Trancos is closed from 9:30 to 11:00 on that Saturday for a town event; The Zotts to Tots Race.  


Will be the second Steve Dunn Charity event

We’re going to do an evening run  Mike and Bob are planning for a Taco Truck to be on site serving a set meal of ½ Burrito, 1 street taco, guacamole, drink and cookie; holding our price at $15/ meal - served on washable plates which the Taco truck will provide and wash.

Dee suggests we figure out how to serve virgin strawberry daiquiris.

Bob ended the meeting at 1:25 pm

Mike Ward
