October 2021 Operations Council Minutes

Kevin & Bruce see a rainbow as we prepared for the October meet

President Bob opened the meeting at 12:37pm.


13 members present: 


Treasurer’s report -- Kevin:  

Total bank account has $11,672.02 with no accounts receivable or accounts payable

We have fully spent the annual maintenance budget.  Unfortunately, some RR expansion expenses were not charged appropriately, so must come from the club funds.  Please make sure that any expansion expenses go through Bill or Bruce who are authorized to make expenditures and purchases.

The remaining bank account is for club approved expenditures and projects.

We have 72 members, all current in their dues.


 We decided to have a quick meeting as everyone was focused on getting ready for the October meet / Golden Spike Ceremony


Project Status Reports --


Switch stands. Tom: The next switch is ready to go in, but on hold due to rain.

Signage. Russ:  Russ, Bob and Bill have been traversing the whole railroad ROW to determine consistent, descriptive, logical signage for switches, yards, areas, and key points of interest. Some of these have been ordered, and will be installed in time for the meet.  Others will make their way onto the scene a little later.

All other status reports were deferred so we could devote the meeting to preparation for the October Joint Night Run with GGLS and SVLS on October 23rd.


Joint run day preparation -

Since the meet will be over by the time you read this we won’t include all the prep details here, but will have a meet report soon thereafter with pictures and stories.

There was much discussion about details and duties; thanks to all who have volunteered.


All members are all hosts, so please help guests enjoy their experience, and honor the  generous use of property by our patrons,


Saturday's weather should be pretty good, and we will run in any case.

Sunday; rain pretty sure.  Bruce and Bill plan to run.



Event planning 

Nov run will be on 20th & 21st.

Dec run will be the 18th & 19th.

Extra meet on January 1st, a night run with potluck with the regular January run on the 22nd and 23rd


Bob closed the meeting at 1:10

Mike Ward
