July 27 Workday

Peter uses the noisy hammer drill to break up the soil on the Wye

This post covers the all club workday on 7/22 (a run day), Sunday 7/23, and a normal workday on 7/27

On 7/22 a hearty crew lead by Bill Boller including Peter Blum, Matt Petach, Ed Holland, Brandon McCracken, and Bob Silverstein worked to extend the length of the Lumber Camp Wye (the long leg). Various hammers, axes, tractors, gators, shovels, and picks were swung to get the job done. We worked till after lunch by which it was almost 90 degrees in the shade. The leg has been extended as long as it will be though it still needs to be leveled

On 7/27 …

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Rough cutting the Lumber Camp Wye