December 31 Workday

Bruce touches up the paint before we lay the decking

Brandon widening the ridge area right of way being cheered onward by Dustin & Dee

Our final work day of 2020 allowed us to enjoy the PV&A RR, get outside our homes, and be safe. What else could you ask for? Ah yes, a different and better 2021. We are all and will remain steadfastly hopeful.

Lance delivered the first of the signal lights for the new tunnel. He also removed the controller for all Lumber Camp Loop signal lights. His tasks are:

  • Get the batteries to charge faster during our short winter days

  • Make the system more tolerant of muddy / wet conditions

  • Installing a bigger battery to offset the darkness of that area

Bill and team continued to adjust the base rock and right-of-way along the overlook ridge retaining wall. It’s now in a state where it can be left alone for the duration of the rainy season.

Bruce took the batteries out of the the orange club speeder. Both are weak and no longer hold a full charge. There is a problem with the speed controller that Lance and Bruce are going to look into. Someone must have cranked it up to 125% and damaged the mechanical stop. Be gentile folks!

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