June 11 Workday

Bruce touches up the paint before we lay the decking

Dee & Matt work to extend the grade beam for the Redwood Canyon Bridge

Our focus continues to be on the Lumber Camp Loop division. The trestle is ready for laying track and prep work for laying track on the loop itself is proceeding.

Matt & Dee did some very hard digging for a new grade beam for the Redwood Canyon Bridge. Thank goodness for the jack hammer and battery saw to deal with stones & roots.

Lance, Bill, and Russ are in the early stages of planning a new generation of signals for the right-of-way. As the ROW becomes more flexible, signaling is required so we can run multiple trains in the Lumber Camp division. The grand goal is to let people choose their own routes and avoid locking switches in a given direction.

Photos - click on images for text descriptions and large images


Bill has been prototyping remote switch stand guts. We’ll be installing a few and we’re looking for better reliability in this new generation.