August 15 - Workday


Today was all about the Lumber Camp Bridge.

We raised two sections, the truss section that spans the existing train tracks and 1/2 of the mid-section arch. The raising went well, taking about 4 hours total for the two sections. All the sections (3 total) are only held in place by their weight and with some bolts. Tom will come back and weld the sections together as appropriate and weld the bridges to the steal pads anchored into the foundation.

If you are wondering how we manhandled the mid-section down the hill and hoisted it into place then check out the video below.

Thanks to all that turned out to help; the manpower was much appreciated.

You can learn more about the Lumber Camp Bridge, our other Current Projects, and recent Past Projects from the Facilities > Projects menu.

Photos - click on images for text descriptions and large images
