December 2021 Operations Council Minutes

Ed Sarber is one of the first to pay his 2022 dues to Kevin Hayashi

President Bob opened the meeting at 12:38 pm.


13 members present: Bob, Bill, Bruce, Kevin H.,  Mike, Russ, Tom, Carl, Matt, Dave, Ed, Jerry, Kevin W.


Treasurer’s report -- Kevin:

We have $13,436.27 in our bank account.

Accounts Receivable: $3,500 for yet to be paid 2022 membership dues - About ⅓ have paid thus far. 2022 members dues should be paid in December.

Accounts Payable: $0

RR Maintenance budget has been expended for 2021; $3,500.


Project Status Reports --

Caboose Circle:  

Switch stands: Tom, Carl, all are manufactured.

Track: Kevin H. Track is done, all switches, ballast, crossover. Awaiting installation of switch stands.

Currently, the switches allowing re-running the Redwood Trestle are screwed shut. They will stay that way until we get the switch stands installed. These two switches will be remote access.

Bruce suggested we put in two ground throw or kick switches (Like Train Mountain) so people wouldn’t trip over them in the high traffic of the Caboose Campground area.  After discussion, it was decided that Bruce, Tom and Carl would discuss off-line.

Little Buildings:  No progress. Ron is still at home.

High Bridge tie replacement

Jerry has started with new plastic ties, screwing them to the wood deck every 10 ties.  Idle this week due to wet surfaces.

New Member Training: Evan and Steve Dunn have been trained, and are qualified to run trains on their own.  

Consist storage Storage: Bob.

We’ve made progress in removing inactive equipment to make room for more active rolling stock. Steve will be bringing up his 60 year old family train, and storing on site.  Evan has finished his engine, and may bring it up soon, although it will not be stored permanently.

Station Kitchen upgrade

Bruce, Mike and Russ are making progress in adding cabinetry for the wall oven and large microwave that Ken has donated.  Cabinets have been purchased to store the various supplies and food that we maintain on hand.  Russ and Mike have made a tall cabinet for the oven. Bruce (AKA Buzz) has penetrated the walls and added 110 volt and 220 volt outlets with help from Bill, Kevin Welch, Ken, Carl and other supervisors.  He purchased, delivered and positioned the cabinets. And is driving the project so that it is operational for the Pot Luck on December 30th (see below). Counter tops will be made early next year, and laminated with stainless steel, which will make cooking and prep much easier. A backsplash will make cleanup easy.  Station clean up will be by Bob and Dee to get rid of the various bits and pieces that keep accumulating.  The library will be dismantled, excess publications and books will be available to those who want old RR magazines and books. The remainder will remain and some may be moved to building 4.  Coolers are redundant now and are stored under the station where more chairs and tables are also to be found..

Ties and Track Panels: Russ.

We have finished up with the old ties, and are now building with new ties only. We are now on a build to order basis, (not build to stock). And have an order for 25 panels.  After the kitchen remodel, we will get back on making ties and track panels.  Bill and Mike have tuned up the radial arm saw, router system and vacuum setup so we will soon be able to do production cutting.  Ed and Russ have found that the new ties, precisely cut, are really nice to build with.  We have only a few people certified to build track panels so far; we want to make sure we don’t have to rebuild them again.

Signs and Elevation Markers: Russ. 

We are at a pause for the moment waiting on sheet metal to back some of the signs.

 Railroad Ties: Matt.

These full sized are available from Ken Middlebrook of the CRTC at the Santa Clara County Fairground, waiting for a time when Brandon can schedule a trip with his truck and trailer. Price = 0.

One project for the ties is to improve the embankment after the silver bridge going to Rabbit Flat.  We have on loan for one year a trailer mounted air compressor and 50 lb air hammer to drive in steel posts to secure the ties.  We need to make sure we got this project done before we have to return the equipment to Paul Pulletti.

RR Map: Russ. 

Will get this going with Bob & Bill early next year - it will take multiple iterations to complete.


Safety and protocol.

Additional Braking power for Club Engine: Bill is investigating supplementary brakes for the club engine so that we can safely manage consists greater than 2 passenger cars down our grades. We can do air brakes, vacuum brakes, electric brakes, manual brakes, or foot brakes.  We are leaning toward air brakes based on a design Tom came up with.  Still investigating options.

Track maintenance blocks.  Bob noted that with all our new track, and the rains and settling, we’re having many derailments.  We should again take the great example from Train Mountain and have Red and Green blocks that engineers could drop by the side of the RR where problems occur so we can easily find and maintain these areas.  David Luce will cut and paint some blocks for this, and instruct engineers on their use.


Covid & Security.  Starting January 1st 2022, In order to come on property:

  1. All members and guests must be able to show proof of vaccination, or documentation of having recovered from covid with proof of viral test within the previous 90 days or a Negative COVID-19 PCR or antigen test taken within 72 hours. Fully vaccinated means at least 2 weeks after your second dose of an approved vaccine.

  2. Please send a photocopy of your vaccination card to Bruce. This will be good for one year.

  3. All members must sign the new Pony Tracks Ranch waiver each year.  You can sign a waiver here and send to Bruce or do this in person. Be sure that you are visiting Pony Tracks Ranch only on approved days. We are guests here with a tremendous privilege given to us to visit. Some run days are not on the 4th Saturday. Check the calendar here before you come. If the gate is closed, you are there on the wrong day, do not attempt to open it. You may call Bruce or Bill for clarification.We will continue to eat outside, or in Building 4, and practice safe distancing 


Budget items

We’re starting to look at 2022 items.  Bill, Matt and the Kubota have finished off the remaining ballast and filled the hopper.  Although we need ballast, with all the rain - over 8 inches in the last storm, the gravel roads could be damaged by heavy trucks and trailers, so we will postpone that until drier weather prevails.

If you have budget items, please make them known to a board member; such as the lumber to rebuild the Gritty Gravel barn.  If you buy anything over $50, please get approval first - else it may not get approved.  Better yet, let Bruce or Bill purchase it on their credit card, and get it in the right category.  If you  find you need a box of screws, or the like the next day, go ahead and get them.


PV&A RR shirts and other items Bruce:

Sample polo shirts are being made.  At this time, it appears they will be expensive, as we have to use high quality material to do the silk-screening on.  We do have patches. Ed Sarber is looking at an embroidered option too. 


Calendar: Run days, Work days and meetings

December run day was the 18th and 19th, Cool crisp weather.

Thursday December 23rd is a normal work day - if you are all ready for Christmas!

Special December run day on Thursday the 30th. Bruce, Family and friends are providing a lunch potluck for PV&ARR members. If you have a guest, please contact Bruce.

 Saturday January 22nd 2022, our normal run day is also our annual meeting where we elect officers.

Our joint meeting with SVLS & GGLS will be in August ‘22

Please note that Run Days are NOT always on the 4th Saturday and following Sunday. Russ has updated the calendar for 2022.

Carl announced that the Billy Jones RR will run a locomotive all decorated for Christmas for members and guests on December 30th from 6 to 8 pm. Bob noted that this coincides with the Festival of Lights in nearby neighborhoods, making parking and traffic problematic.   Contact Carl or Tom for info on parking. 

New Years Resolution:  Bob. Let’s all work on being supportive of one another next year. Or, as Tom said….”Check your guns at the door.”  


Bob closed the meeting at 1:28

Happy Holidays !

Mike Ward (with verbatim notes from Matt Petach)
