December 2020 Operations Council Minutes

Bridge installation team celebrates

Ballasting Rabbit Flat after track panel replacement

December 17, 2020 Operations Council Meeting Minutes

Chair Bob started the monthly meeting at 12:30 pm; 11 members were in live attendance, Matt Petach, Bob Silverstein, Bruce Swanson, Carl Herrera , Ken Kormanak, Dee Murphy, Bill Boller, Kevin Hayashi, Kevin Welsh, Tom Waterfall, and Ed Sarber.  Mike Ward was connected via Zoom. 

Opening remarks - Bob. This is our last meeting for the year - and our last outside meeting for winter as it is getting wet and cold. In January, we will bring chairs to eat and meet in building 4 with safe spacings. We will not move tables up as we have plenty in the building already.

Treasurer’s report

Kevin.  Our bank account now has $10,720.96  and Accounts Receivable are  $2,550.00 in dues yet to be paid by 28 members for 2021. We have 66 members all of whom are current for 2020. 

2021 dues notices have been e-mailed to all members. If you have not received a notice please contact Kevin. If you have received your notice, please send payment to Kevin. 


Project Status Reports 

Lumber Camp Bridge

Bob for Carl. Bruce painted the completed handrails. Tom and Carl will be finishing the remaining railings.

Switch Stands

Tom & Ken. We’ve made 20 new switch stands, of which 10 will be for remote switching (20’ before the switch). One is finished for below the riding arena and needs to be installed; next will be for the Alpine route. We will install early next year. More welding today.

Rabbit Flat

Bruce organized a team to replace  a number of the track panels at Rabbit Flat. This was done for a few reasons: the old ballast was contaminated by mud and could not be adjusted, a gutter needed to be installed between the retaining wall and the track, and there were a few kinks that were causing derailments. The old track panels were returned to the shop for inspection and repair.

Caboose Route


Bill.  DIrt grading is fairly close to final level, but now is too muddy, so we will resume when possible. We’ve had over 2.1” of rain in these last few storms, with more coming which will settle the dirt in place. 

Overlook Ridge

Bill, Matt, and Dee are cutting and installing the metal mesh. All 20 pieces are cut to length; will be laid in place by the end of the day. 6 are bolted in, the rest will be secured after rains abate

Tunnel and portals

Bruce and Ed are working on the west side today; putting in retaining boards, welding C-channel to tunnel edge; then start the east side (see pictures). Tiz very muddy right now.

Track laying

Bruce. put in diverter boards below the riding arena to keep dirt and mud out of the ROW. Kevin noted that the X crossover in this same area is at the wrong angle to depart toward the caboose. He is measuring for the proper angle. He and Tom will build a new one to replace the first one in the Spring. We’ll find another place to use the old crossover near the full sized caboose. It will not be wasted.

LIghts & Signals

The new signals use an isolation block that we have designed and installed. They are time consuming to make, however Mike Mattioda has now made a program for his new NC mill that can easily build another group of them for remaining signals. We need to identify the number required.

Little Buildings

No report


Equipment & Supplies Ordering

Bob. Nothing critical is missing now that is holding us up.  Small battery tools and hardware stuff are needed and will be ordered. We will get new batteries for the orange speeder early next year. We do need more ballast early next year after Mike filled the hopper last week.

Track Fabrication  & New tie selection - We are still evaluating different tie materials. Each alternative has advantages and proponents; so, we will be installing sample panels to gain more data before a final decision. We will most likely use material from more than one supplier, where each style provides the greater advantage. 


Work Days and Meet Planning

Next week we will work on Wednesday the 23rd, not Thursday.

There will be no run next weekend to comply with San Mateo County’s more stringent Covid rules. The Ranch will be closed the 24th through 28th.

Meet Planning 2021 -  no new information

Safety and Operations

Be Aware! A mountain lion was spotted last week on the ranch between the riding arena and Rabbit flat. The lion was within 25 feet of the ranch foreman; the mountain lion did not seem afraid. This is the lion’s normal territory so be careful and respectful.

FIrst Aid kit. Dee updated our first aid kit, a nice big red backpack full of stuff; grab the whole bag and head to the emergency; if you deplete anything, let Dee know and she will refill it.

New Waivers - No one is allowed on the property without a currently signed 2020 liability waiver. Bob has about half the members waivers, and needs the rest prior to attendance by those yet to sign. Please go to (link here) and sign and then email to Bob. The signed waivers are in our file cabinet under the  reimbursement box.

Annual elections - for officers will be held on Saturday of the run weekend in January, the 23rd. All current officers will run for the same offices again; if anyone would like to run, let Bob know soon.

Decorum - Bob stated that we have a lot of people here with skills, talents and opinions; if someone is working on a project and leading it, they get certain discretion. There are a lot of ‘right’ ways to do things. It's not necessary to voice your comments and opinions to anyone other than the person who might directly benefit from the suggestion. However, if you see a non-urgent safety issue or something being used incorrectly, let a club officer know, and they will deal with it appropriately. Don't just make comments in general, as it compromises relationships.

Covid Safety - We’re doing pretty well wearing our masks and social distancing. If you're not comfortable working with people, back off or stop working with them if you're concerned. Our rules and protocols follow San Mateo County and CA rules for construction projects and are posted on our website at (link here)

Budgets and Planning - The Operations Council will meet in January to review the 2021 budget so we keep the project rolling and stay on budget.

Ballast Hopper - One item under consideration is our long term solution for gravel loading into the hopper without Mike’s tractor in case it is no longer available. Bill and others are looking at motorized (electric) conveyor belt solutions that are cost effective. Any other ideas?


Bob ended the meeting early at 12:55 pm.